Notes from a Mother

Close up of person writing in notebook

"It was about November when I noticed that my 12 year old daughter had lost weight. It was difficult to judge what to say and how to intervene because she had always been sporty and a healthy eater, with a tendency toward being anxious and obsessive. She was struggling to settle into secondary school. The school nurse described her as 'delicate' but there was no guidance about what to do next.

We went to see the general practitioner, who simply told her to put on weight. The general practitioner was talking about eating full fat everything and I remember seeing the terrified look on my daughter's face and realized how far things had gone. She promised to try...but she went downhill very quickly after that. Her father and I were so frightened"

We walk with parents like Catherine every day-moms and dads who are desperate to find specialized treatment for their child and support for themselves. We understand that eating disorders are a complex, serious illness that affects the entire family. And we are helping families like Catherine's everyday by providing services carried out by professionals trained in eating disorders.


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